•Teams must have a minimum of 4 players and can have a maximum of 6.

  • Subs can be made on dead balls, made baskets or by calling a time out. 

  • Each team will play 2-3 games in pool play and 2 games in bracket play.

•1st possession will be determined by a “Do or Don’t” shot.

  • Gametime will be 20 minutes.

•Winner will be the first team to score 36 points, or the team leading after 20 minutes.

  • A 2-minute “halftime” occurs once the first team gets to 18-points.

•Common field goals (lay-ups & mid-range) are worth 2 points. Field goals beyond the 3-point arc are worth 3 points.

•Team will alternate possessions after a made basket. Once a team scores, defense receives the next possession.

•On change of possession after a missed field goal or a steal, the ball must be “cleared” beyond the 3-point arc (airballs included).

  • The ball is cleared when the player with the ball establishes both feet behind the 3-pt line. The ball can be cleared by dribbling or passing.

•All dead-ball possessions must start with a “check ball”.

  • Scorekeepers will only track team fouls, not personal fouls.

  • Teams will be in the free-throw double bonus after the 4th team foul (1 point per free throw).

  • Overtime will be resolved in a free-throw shoot-off with each player on the team until the tie is broken.

  • If a team is a “no show” for their game, they will forfeit that game, resulting in a loss.

  • Pool Play Tiebreaker: determined by head-to-head matchups first. 2nd Tiebreaker determined by min/max score differential (+/- 20). 3rd Tiebreaker determined by overall score differential. 4th Tiebreaker determined by fewest defensive points allowed.

  • Following Pool Play, Team will be seeded and brackets will be set for Bracket Play.

  • Each player will need to have a waiver on file to be eligible for the tournament. Waivers will be emailed after registration is received.